Server rules
§1. Chat/Language:
English is the main language. If you want to chat in another language use /msg command.
No Advertising. Intentional advertising for other Minecraft servers will result in a punishment.
No Spamming.
No bullying, no discrimination, no racism!
We won't nitpick about using ugly words like 'shit', 'fuck' ... just use your common sense.
Respect everyone. Both the BadgerCraft staff and your fellow players deserve to be treated with respect.
§2. Abuse
No hacking/no glitching.
If you deliberately build lag machines, it will immediately result in a permanent ban.
Please do not use any mods that will give you any advantage to our other players.
Please do not hinder other players unnecessarily in their game if it is not necessary for the progress of the game.
Please do not exploit faults in the server, report it to the BadgerCraft staff instead.
§3. Builds
Inappropriate or offensive structures are not allowed.
§4. Survival
PVP is on, only claims are a no PVP area.
Griefing is not allowed.
Everyone is responsible who he/she trusts in his/her claim or plot.
Beware of building anoying stuff around anyones claims; like walls, traps, deathtraps, ...
Spawnkilling is not allowed.
Downloading or taking ownership of the maps or parts of it is prohibited.
§4. Economics
Scamming is never allowed.
Trading in game items or currencies to external values ​​is prohibited.
§5. Reporting/punishments
Look before you leap!
You are not allowed to deliberately make false accusations, both on forum and in game chat.
When you are banned and you bypass a temporary ban, it will most likely result in a permanent ban.
During a mute, the person who got the mute is prohibited from sending messages on the BadgerCraft gameservers.
In the event of a dispute, the owner of BadgerCraft makes the final and binding decision.
Instructions from staff must always be followed. Protests against decisions can only be made by 'support ticket' afterwards. This also includes unban/unmute requests.
§6. AFK Farming​
It is forbidden to bypass the idle kick by any means of automatic constructions.
Failure to abide by the rules can be punished with a ban, mute or warning. The length of the sentence depends on the seriousness of the offense and circumstances. A temporary sentence lasts a maximum of 6 months, a permanent sentence never expires and is final.
So please play nice, everybody just wants a nice time on the game.