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Terms & Conditions

§1. Terms & Conditions BadgerCraft Server
§2. BadgerCraft Server Rules

§3. Terms & Conditions BadgerCraft Website



§1. Terms & Conditions BadgerCraft Server

1.1. By using the facilities of BadgerCraft , you automatically agree to the “General Terms and Conditions BadgerCraft”.

       When refusing Terms & Conditions, the player must leave the server.

1.2. In case of violation of our 'Terms & Conditions' or rules as stated in §2, each staffmember of BadgerCraft has the right to

       temporarily or permanently deny the player access to the server, regardless obtained benefits on the server of BadgerCraft .

       The duration of bans is not disputable when violating the rules of BadgerCraft .

1.3. BadgerCraft can not be held responsible for not keeping the server accessible at all times.

       The aim is 100% accessibility for every player.

1.4. BadgerCraft is not responsible for any loss of content within BadgerCraft either on the website or in the Minecraft-game.

       Each BadgerCraft staffmember has the ability to act where a resolution is possible and/or needed.

1.5. BadgerCraft owns all content within BadgerCraft and its facilities. BadgerCraft reserves the right to publish, duplicate, delete or

       move any creation on BadgerCraft and its facilities.

§2. Server Rules
2.1. BadgerCraft is a place for everyone, regardless of personal differences.

       BadgerCraft offers the platform of entertainment in exchange for following the rules as stated in §2.2.

        All rules as stated in §2.2. apply to the entire server and must be followed by every player.

        Any staff member of BadgerCraft has the right to punish the player for failure to comply with the server rules.

        All penalties are based on a warning (if applicable).

2.2. The following rules apply to the entire server and are penalized if violated and evidence is provided.

       The player is obliged to adhere to the rules indicated on the page

2.3. The rules apply to all players regardless of content obtained through the game or as a gift from BadgerCraft.

The penalties applied are:

        - A kick (immediate removal from the server, without further consequences)

        - A mute (deprivation of chat rights, temporary or permanent)

        - A ban (denial of access to the server, temporarily or permanently)

2.5. The staff of BadgerCraft uses fixed degrees and duration for the applied penalties.


2.6. If you, the player, do not agree with a staff member's judgment, the punished player can create a ticket through the support

       function on the BadgerCraft website. the punishment will then be reassessed, based on the motivation behind the violation and/or

       evidence to the contrary. Applying for a ticket does not guarantee that the penalty will be reversed.

§3. Terms & Conditions BadgerCraft Website
3.1. The website is the portal of BadgerCraft, which serves as a source of information, news source and collection of community

       related platforms. Players who have registered on the website must behave themselves at all times.

3.2. Rules and guidelines are written down on the website and forum. Players are expected to read those and handle according those

       rules to avoid being denied access to BadgerCraft.

3.3. The Wix-app forum is intended to allow players to communicate with each without going to the website.

       For this reason, the same rules apply on the app as on the forum.

3.4. The support function on the website is for official matters that cannot be resolved on the forum.

       These are:

       - Objection to decisions of a BadgerCraft staff member (i.e. an unban/unmute request).

       - Direct questions to the staff of BadgerCraft, regarding the entire community.

       - Complaints regarding the actions of BadgerCraft.

3.5. The staff of BadgerCraft reserves the right not to process support tickets or to refuse them if they do not meet the conditions,µ

       as stated in article 3.4.


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